I have known and realized many people throughout this year could have been nominated...The Man. But out of everyone we've read or heard about, I am proud to say that Orson Welles, the mastermind behind his cast of Julius Caesar, is in my opinion known as, "The Man!"
Why do I think this?? Well let's see here, he is the owner of the Mercury Theater, he runs the whole Julius Caesar play, he plays Brutus in the play, he commands people to do things for him, and he is very wealthy. He's pretty much the King of New York! I mean common people!...in chapter 6 when Houseman and Welles barge into the theater for rehearsal Houseman is complaining about what Welles is doing for the theater like as in how he is helping and his response was, "I am the Mercury Theater!" With a silence after that in shock. And if you don't understand that then shame on you. Orson Welles just told a man off and he had no comeback to that! How could anyone else think of such thing to respond to that?!
As for Richard I feel like he's in grave danger of getting in real trouble soon from the school and his family. Although he does have a point...if he perfects his small seen with him playing the ukulele he could become an actual Broadway actor! I have a feeling that his wish will come true and that he will get the girl of his dreams, Sonja.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Me and Orson Welles
Hello y'all! Our class has been recently beginning the book Me and Orson Welles. They say that this so to speak of "Orson Dude" is also considered to be "The Man." Now I don't know about you...but I don't believe that! This book seemed to have looked like another boring novel were reading but so far I've kinda liked it! I'm interested into reading more and finding out in what is going to happen later. I guess not everything is expected to be the way you treat it; for example, my mom always tells me that if I enter something with a bad attitude I won't do as well. The results seem to become true surprisingly! But if I enter something with a positive attitude then my results will be great. She has a good point and if that doesn't work out for you then you're just plain weird!
Speaking of my mom, I hope you would know that today is Mother's Day. A day to celebrate being and having your mom. I know I love my mom to death, she takes care of me all the time and I can talk to her about anything and just so much more I can't even think of. I bought her last Wednesday her favorite perfume, if you have heard of the name...Cocoa Chinnelle? (I think that's how you spell it??) (Stupid red line under that word you're supposed to fix my mistakes I'm trying to get a 20/20 on this blog!!!) Cough, cough, pardon me there I was having a moment. Anyways where were we??, ahh yes mother's day. I bought her that and as a matter of fact that was her birthday gift because her birthday was May 5th. But anyways I want you to thank your mother for everything she's done for you and also to tell her that you love her...that means a lot to them. Have a great day I know I will!
Speaking of my mom, I hope you would know that today is Mother's Day. A day to celebrate being and having your mom. I know I love my mom to death, she takes care of me all the time and I can talk to her about anything and just so much more I can't even think of. I bought her last Wednesday her favorite perfume, if you have heard of the name...Cocoa Chinnelle? (I think that's how you spell it??) (Stupid red line under that word you're supposed to fix my mistakes I'm trying to get a 20/20 on this blog!!!) Cough, cough, pardon me there I was having a moment. Anyways where were we??, ahh yes mother's day. I bought her that and as a matter of fact that was her birthday gift because her birthday was May 5th. But anyways I want you to thank your mother for everything she's done for you and also to tell her that you love her...that means a lot to them. Have a great day I know I will!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Julias Caesar Cast (My Teachers' Version)
Caesar- In my opinion I think out of all my teachers, a person who would be Caesar is Mr. Carter. Yes many of you may be reading this and say "He's not your teacher!?!" but yes indeed I can say that he is because on my schedule for lunch it reads "Mr. Carter." So back off! I chose Mr. Carter because not only is he our school principle but indeed he is a brave leader. He takes charge and makes all the decisions around school, just like Caesar would do. He also helps people out a lot.
Brutus- I think a perfect Brutus in this case would unfortunately be Mr. Potter. I chose him because he is a good friend of Caesars and gets along with him well and also respects what Caesar has to say. But Mr. Potter has always been jealous of Mr. Carter that he is school principle, people love him more, and that he has more power than him and anyone else. Mr. Potter thinks he deserves the spot that Mr. Carter is in right now and therefore plans on killing him that way Mr. Potter can become new King of Rome.
Antony- I choose my orchestra teacher Mr. Dengel to be Antony because he's always had that sense of feeling that he wanted to be just like Batman's sidekick, Robin. Yes this may seem strange to you but he likes Robin a lot. So in roman language he is like a sidekick/partner of Caesar's. He would want to die with the same sword as Caesar did and he want's his death to be very similar to Caesar's.
Cassius- Someone who would resemble Cassius is my health teacher Mrs. Shannon. I chose her because she's a nice lady and a pretty cool health teacher that knows her health stuff! But I just feel like I can't really trust her. Caesar once said to himself, his followers, and all of Rome that he wanted more power. Cassius thought that was a good idea but then "back stabbed" Caesar and thought that he was taking all this power and control thing way too far. So he betrayed him.
Brutus- I think a perfect Brutus in this case would unfortunately be Mr. Potter. I chose him because he is a good friend of Caesars and gets along with him well and also respects what Caesar has to say. But Mr. Potter has always been jealous of Mr. Carter that he is school principle, people love him more, and that he has more power than him and anyone else. Mr. Potter thinks he deserves the spot that Mr. Carter is in right now and therefore plans on killing him that way Mr. Potter can become new King of Rome.
Antony- I choose my orchestra teacher Mr. Dengel to be Antony because he's always had that sense of feeling that he wanted to be just like Batman's sidekick, Robin. Yes this may seem strange to you but he likes Robin a lot. So in roman language he is like a sidekick/partner of Caesar's. He would want to die with the same sword as Caesar did and he want's his death to be very similar to Caesar's.
Cassius- Someone who would resemble Cassius is my health teacher Mrs. Shannon. I chose her because she's a nice lady and a pretty cool health teacher that knows her health stuff! But I just feel like I can't really trust her. Caesar once said to himself, his followers, and all of Rome that he wanted more power. Cassius thought that was a good idea but then "back stabbed" Caesar and thought that he was taking all this power and control thing way too far. So he betrayed him.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Maze Runner~Mulitgenre Project
Dear Reader,
My book is called The Maze Runner. In this book you will find a mixture of a conversation, a thank you note, a drawing with a caption, and also an eye-witness account. All this will tie into the theme that I chose for the book, which is Courage. I chose courage for this book because you will find throughout the book that courage is showed in many different situations and different ways of dealing with a type of situation that involves courage. Courage is the willingness of doing a certain type of thing without any fear being involved in it. And yes, I do believe that shows up various amounts of times throughout the book among the Gladers, kids involved, and also the Maze itself.
Costa Poulias
“Thomas watched as Minho tried desperately to get him back on his feet, then, finally giving up, started to drag the boy across the stone floor by the arms. But they were still a hundred feet away. The right wall was closing fast, seeming to quicken its pace the more Thomas willed it to slow down. There were only seconds left until it shut completely. They had no chance of making it in time. No chance at all. Thomas turned to look at Newt: limping along as well as he could, he’d only make it halfway to Thomas. He looked back into the Maze, at the closing wall. Only a few feet more and it’d be over. Minho stumbled up ahead, fell to the ground. They weren’t going to make it. Time was up. That was it. Thomas heard Newt scream something from behind him. The rods on the right wall seemed to reach like stretched-out arms for their home, grasping for those little holes that would serve as their resting place for the night. The crunching, grinding sound of the Doors filled the air, deafening. Five feet. Four feet. Three. Two. Thomas knew he had no choice. He moved. Forward. He squeezed past the connecting rods at the last second and stepped into the Maze. The walls slammed shut behind him, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy-covered stone like mad laughter.”
“Courage is the discovery that may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.” –Tom Krause.
Dear Thomas,
I, Alby, wanted to thank you for rescuing my life. Your courage from jumping into the maze was incredible. And even when Minho left you that you guys should split up, the way you pulled me up using your back and the ivy on the walls was extraordinaire! I don’t know how much I weigh, but I seem heavy enough. The fact that surprises me is that you strapped my arms and legs about 30 feet high alongside of the wall attached to the ivy. I can’t even image the excruciating amount of pain that must have given you. And yet, not one Griever found me all night and I was able to receive the serum and go through the changing. I thank you with the courage you had for lifting me up the wall; therefore, I grant you the freedom to attempt to become a runner, the dream you always said you wanted to be. But also you broke the most important rule by entering the maze, so you shall be punished in some way. You’ve proved yourself, Thomas. I appreciate your efforts.
“Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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This picture shows Gally, a protagonist in the story, throwing a knife which was intended for Thomas, but then Chuck diving in front of him to save his life. |
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" -Vincent van Gogh
Chuck was a kind, young kid who was sent to the Glade before Thomas had arrived. When Thomas had arrived he became so scared because he didn’t know where he was at, or who he was surrounded by, or even his first name. But Chuck here was kind enough to show him the place and be his buddy. Chuck was short with long curly blond hair and a bit of a chubby stomach. He was the person who made Thomas feel good about himself when he entered the Glade, made him comfortable, brought him food, answered all of his questions. To Thomas, Chuck was a symbol towards himself and also towards the Glade. What he did was very brave, and he had the courage to do so. He will be in our memories forever.
“Have the courage to live. Anyone can die.” –Robert Cody
I chose each one of these genres for my theme, Courage, because they all fit in within each other, they were easy to use for my story, and the genres give people examples of different ways courage can be shown. The genre I chose in group one was a play-by-play account for when Thomas, the Newbie, stepped into the maze to save his friends, Minho and Alby. He knew they wouldn’t be able to make it to the Glade in time till the doors shut entirely close. So his braveness and courage made him step into the maze, even though he didn’t know what to do, and help out Alby who was passed out by being stung by a Griever. The second genre I chose for group two was a thank you note from Alby to Thomas thanking him that if it wasn’t for his courage then he would probably be dead by now. This shows that when you make an action, you stand out because of it. The third genre I chose for group three was a drawing with a caption showing that Chuck is stepping in front of Thomas in which a knife is about to be stabbed into him. Chucks courage provided Thomas to live on with life and solve the last pieces of the puzzle. Chuck was a brave and courteous young kid. My other choice of a genre was an obituary for Chuck’s death. Some of the difficulties and experiences I had with this project were being able to find the correct quotes for a repetend after a specific genre is being described. Also I feel like inserting everything on the blog will be a pain, when you can be creative and create a scrapbook or whatever of your choice. All for all, I thought this project was really easy and fun.
Works Cited
Tom Krause. “Tom Krause Quotes.” 24 March 2011. <http://thinkexist.com/>.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. “Quotations about Courage.” 1998. 24 March 2011.
Vincent van Gogh. “Courage Quotes.” 25 March 2011.
Robert Cody. “Death and dying quotes.” 25 March 2011.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What is my Greatest Achievement??...
Wow this is a tough post...I'd have to say my greatest achievement would be switching from my old club Soccer team to my new one. From Global FC to Blast FC. There are probably soo many others but I can't think of them now.
Once long ago, I played with a club travel Soccer team, from what I've mentioned, called Global. And as you read it, all of my teammates were from around the globe in the world! We had Greeks, a Turk, a German, a Venezuelan, a Bolivian, and a few American's from what I could remember. We used to be a really great club till we lost a few players and went down. Our star moment was when we won the MOSSL tournament in the top flight (Gold Division) and were expected to come in last. But no! We never gave up and won our first game 4-1 to the favorite team to win it. Won 2-1 to the third to best team to win in favor, and also beat the sixth ranked team 2-0. We went on to the finals and played the second ranked team. I was sooo scared at that time but then again anxious to play them. The game went 1-1 at the final whistle and went into overtime. And about two minutes left in the game we scored the winning goal. It was over; the underdogs have won it. It was one of the greatest moments of my life!
Until the time a year or two later when the competition was becoming really boring and easy for us and we kept going to the same tournaments and winning them, I was deciding if I should leave or stay. We all were running circles around other players and our coach never placed us in tougher leagues; just making me worse as a player. So at the beginning of the season during try-outs came, I never showed up. I left to a club called Blast FC which I would be trained by the best coaches with experience from around the world. I was frightened at first because I didn't have the body-built as my teammates and the speed of the game was a lot faster than I expected. But I got used to it and still play for them.
Now I take this opportunity and play at one of the highest areas of competition attending some of the best tournaments in the country such as Florida, North Caroline, Tennessee, etc. I even have gotten sooo many letters from college coaches that have seen me play. But that's not my focus right now. Yepp I believe I love this decision I made.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Response for 3-4-11
I commented on Abby's blog at http://socerchamp16.blogspot.com/2011/02/brazils-2011-world-cup_25.html
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Plane Crash
Today is June 1, 2014. I am about to attend one of the most biggest of my lifetime, The Fifa World Cup 2014. Hello, I play on team U.S.A. along with my best friends ever since beginning of my freshman year of High School, Nicko Poulias, Evren Gokcen, Matt Dandrea, Jack Flora, Trey Walden, and Matt Appel. All throughout High School, we’ve played on the same club team called Blast F.C. And ever since then, we have had one main goal in life in common, to participate and attend in a World Cup at least once in our life. I personally have been training and preparing for this huge event all my life. This is my dream; this is my destiny. So here I am hovering in my motored shoes to the airport, and about to fly my way towards the big country down south, Brazil. All I would keep saying to myself is, “This is it. My dream, my goal.”
As I arrive to the airport, I catch up with all my other teammates, and a convertible flying limo type of car takes us to a private jet.
“Wow this is a nice jet you got here, Costa!”
“Why thank you, Trey.” As I replied along with a wink. Then again someone else fires another question towards me.
“Say you receive any service on here?” Asked Jack. “Yes of course only the best.” As I replied to his question along with another wink. We all gathered our luggage and gave them to a kind gentlemen waiting at the top of the stairs on the plane. We got into our seats, listened to the emergency procedures, and finally take off.
It was about 10 minutes ago when I was afoot on American soil, now I’m making my way to Brazilian soil.
“Wow this is going to be the greatest trip of my life.” Said Evren excitedly.
“I agree, not just for the soccer, but also for all them sexy chickas at the beaches!” Said Matt D after high-fiving hands with Evren.
“Oh snap out of it guys it’s time to get serious now.” Replied Nicko.
Since my flight was an early one, I never got time to finish off my sleep from the night. So the guys and myself all fell to sleep.
It was about two hours later when I wake up. Then all of a sudden, a lady comes up to me and asks,
“Good Evening Sir, would you care for a drink?” She asked.
“Sure a coke would sound rather refreshing. Thank you.” I said. Then out of the nowhere, I hear this loud thumping sound…“BOOM!” I look out the window to see what happened and realize that our engine is caught on fire, and we were going to crash very rapidly.
“Hey what’s going on?!” Screamed Jack very worriedly. Just as he said that his question was answered to him from the intercom,
“Ladies and Gentlemen please stay calm, buckle your seatbelts, put on a life vest, and prepare for crash landing! We are interfering with an engine malfunction and are afraid there is no other way to stop this.” Closer and closer to sea level we get the faster and faster my heart begins to race. All of a sudden there was a…”BOOM!” Crashing into the Atlantic Ocean I panic to dear life hoping to survive. I got lucky and found a life raft so I grabbed it and did something to it that automatically inflated all by itself. It took me up on sea level and I panicked to get on it. A few seconds later I find more bobbing heads around me so I help them on the raft and we all survive with minor cuts and bruises.
“Hey man what the heck just happened?!” Asked Matt A. “You guys I’m scared to death right now what are we going to do now?!”
“Just calm down and relax we will figure something out, trust me.” I said back to him. I look around and just thought to myself how we really are going to make it out of here alive as we are in the middle of the ocean. There were no signs of pilots or anybody alive. Just my teammates and a raft.
A few hours go by as we slowly recover from all the fear and coldness of the water. I look around the raft and discover a zipper on the inside pocket.
“Hey guys look!” I said.
“Lets open it up to see if we can find any supplies that could be helpful.” Said Trey sitting right next to it. We unzip it open and pull out the following: a watch, a grenade, a smaller sized paddle, a full water bottle, a rope (about 100 yards), a pair of binoculars, and a survival kit which contained band aides, peroxide, sports tape, etc.
“Well hey this is a start! We can think of things to do right?” Asked Nicko.
“No man I’m afraid there is nothing that we can do.” Said Matt D.
Very stressed about what just happened, I look around the ocean with the binoculars that we had found. Than shockingly, I spotted something. It seemed to be a small dot which I assumed it to be an island of some sort. So I passed the binoculars to Matt A and asked him, “Hey is there something like a dot you see way down there if you look hard enough? Something that I assume to be an island or something?” I said.
“Hey that does look like something.” He said beginning to get excited about that fact.
“So what, spotting something on a stupid tool isn’t going to help.” Said Jack.
“Well it’s worth a shot!” I said.
“But how are we even going to get there, it could take us a day or two?”
“Yeah but I have an idea!” I said. I look around to find the rope that averaged to what I think about 100 yards. And then I remember that my shoes were multi-powered developed flying shoes that takes me from place to place wherever my brain tells them to go.
“Look we use my shoes as a propeller to fly ourselves closer and someone is going to have to hang on to the rope very tightly that way we won’t break lose. I have very low battery but by going at full speed with this baby, I believe it will get us a lot closer.” I said hoping that they will agree to my genius idea.
“Sure I guess it’s worth a try…” Said Jack.
As I went over the procedures I made Trey hang on to the rope.
“Everybody hang on!” I said. I quickly powered my shoes on and flew up and took off at full speed with them. Going about 50-60mhr zooming with the raft hoping that we wouldn’t lose connection. It took about 5 minutes that that had occurred and my shoes began to die off on me unfortunately. So as it was slowly dying off I just made my way back on the raft.
“You see you got pretty good distance! I knew I was right I knew it!” I said excitedly.
“Yeah well done man!” Said Jack astonishing. Matt A looks into the binoculars and gets a better look of the island.
“Yepp it’s for sure a small island. It’ll just take us a day or two to paddle over there.” Said Matt A.
“I bet if we share a few hours and each get rest it will make it easier for us to conserve energy and get there.” Suggested Nicko.
Listening to his suggestion, we did so and it was about a day or two till we set ashore on it. It seemed to be not even half a mile in length and width. It contained a few palm trees which what seemed to be coconuts, and mainly rocks and sand surrounding it.
“Oh sweet lord!, Coconuts! Something to drink!” Said Even. He climbed onto a tree and grabbed a few for all of us. Attempting to crack it open with sharp rocks, we were successfully able to do so, and managed to drink the milk inside of it.
“So now that were here, how are we going to get off this island and get help?” Said Trey.
“You know I don’t really know?” Said Jack.
A few depressing days go by and still no sign of anything. No boats no nothing. Me as usual like to play around with my lucky binoculars, and for some strange reason, I feel like a miracle has happened. I spot a plane from way far away and I think to myself, “Wow this is a dream come true!” So I quickly splash water on my friends to wake up and tell me what to do. I show them the plane and tell them, “Ok listen guys, this might be our only chance of surviving, you have any quick ideas?” I said.
“I do.” Said Matt D looking at the grenade.
“Oh no, no we are not doing what I think we are doing.” Said Evren.
“It could work??” Said Matt.
“I mean we could get put to jail for attempting to bomb down a plane!” Said Matt A.
“No you idiots like we can create an explosion here on the island. And that will trigger the pilots attention to let them assume that there are people on this island.” He said.
“Alright fine lets do it, but hurry…they are getting closer!” Said Jack.
We quickly detonated the bomb, dug a hole in the ground to prevent it hitting us, and backed away and got ready. Matt D threw the grenade in the hole and it blew up and we hoped that people would find us.
So about a few days later a coast guard was able to find us and we returned back to some headquarters in a very tiny country that we were unaware of. We then arrived safely to Brazil and my dream came true. I had to go through a bunch of things but I made it safe with my buddies. A lesson was to be learned for the future is that planes can never be dependent on anybody. New materials such as rocket boots will eventually have the power to transport one from place to place.
As I arrive to the airport, I catch up with all my other teammates, and a convertible flying limo type of car takes us to a private jet.
“Wow this is a nice jet you got here, Costa!”
“Why thank you, Trey.” As I replied along with a wink. Then again someone else fires another question towards me.
“Say you receive any service on here?” Asked Jack. “Yes of course only the best.” As I replied to his question along with another wink. We all gathered our luggage and gave them to a kind gentlemen waiting at the top of the stairs on the plane. We got into our seats, listened to the emergency procedures, and finally take off.
It was about 10 minutes ago when I was afoot on American soil, now I’m making my way to Brazilian soil.
“Wow this is going to be the greatest trip of my life.” Said Evren excitedly.
“I agree, not just for the soccer, but also for all them sexy chickas at the beaches!” Said Matt D after high-fiving hands with Evren.
“Oh snap out of it guys it’s time to get serious now.” Replied Nicko.
Since my flight was an early one, I never got time to finish off my sleep from the night. So the guys and myself all fell to sleep.
It was about two hours later when I wake up. Then all of a sudden, a lady comes up to me and asks,
“Good Evening Sir, would you care for a drink?” She asked.
“Sure a coke would sound rather refreshing. Thank you.” I said. Then out of the nowhere, I hear this loud thumping sound…“BOOM!” I look out the window to see what happened and realize that our engine is caught on fire, and we were going to crash very rapidly.
“Hey what’s going on?!” Screamed Jack very worriedly. Just as he said that his question was answered to him from the intercom,
“Ladies and Gentlemen please stay calm, buckle your seatbelts, put on a life vest, and prepare for crash landing! We are interfering with an engine malfunction and are afraid there is no other way to stop this.” Closer and closer to sea level we get the faster and faster my heart begins to race. All of a sudden there was a…”BOOM!” Crashing into the Atlantic Ocean I panic to dear life hoping to survive. I got lucky and found a life raft so I grabbed it and did something to it that automatically inflated all by itself. It took me up on sea level and I panicked to get on it. A few seconds later I find more bobbing heads around me so I help them on the raft and we all survive with minor cuts and bruises.
“Hey man what the heck just happened?!” Asked Matt A. “You guys I’m scared to death right now what are we going to do now?!”
“Just calm down and relax we will figure something out, trust me.” I said back to him. I look around and just thought to myself how we really are going to make it out of here alive as we are in the middle of the ocean. There were no signs of pilots or anybody alive. Just my teammates and a raft.
A few hours go by as we slowly recover from all the fear and coldness of the water. I look around the raft and discover a zipper on the inside pocket.
“Hey guys look!” I said.
“Lets open it up to see if we can find any supplies that could be helpful.” Said Trey sitting right next to it. We unzip it open and pull out the following: a watch, a grenade, a smaller sized paddle, a full water bottle, a rope (about 100 yards), a pair of binoculars, and a survival kit which contained band aides, peroxide, sports tape, etc.
“Well hey this is a start! We can think of things to do right?” Asked Nicko.
“No man I’m afraid there is nothing that we can do.” Said Matt D.
Very stressed about what just happened, I look around the ocean with the binoculars that we had found. Than shockingly, I spotted something. It seemed to be a small dot which I assumed it to be an island of some sort. So I passed the binoculars to Matt A and asked him, “Hey is there something like a dot you see way down there if you look hard enough? Something that I assume to be an island or something?” I said.
“Hey that does look like something.” He said beginning to get excited about that fact.
“So what, spotting something on a stupid tool isn’t going to help.” Said Jack.
“Well it’s worth a shot!” I said.
“But how are we even going to get there, it could take us a day or two?”
“Yeah but I have an idea!” I said. I look around to find the rope that averaged to what I think about 100 yards. And then I remember that my shoes were multi-powered developed flying shoes that takes me from place to place wherever my brain tells them to go.
“Look we use my shoes as a propeller to fly ourselves closer and someone is going to have to hang on to the rope very tightly that way we won’t break lose. I have very low battery but by going at full speed with this baby, I believe it will get us a lot closer.” I said hoping that they will agree to my genius idea.
“Sure I guess it’s worth a try…” Said Jack.
As I went over the procedures I made Trey hang on to the rope.
“Everybody hang on!” I said. I quickly powered my shoes on and flew up and took off at full speed with them. Going about 50-60mhr zooming with the raft hoping that we wouldn’t lose connection. It took about 5 minutes that that had occurred and my shoes began to die off on me unfortunately. So as it was slowly dying off I just made my way back on the raft.
“You see you got pretty good distance! I knew I was right I knew it!” I said excitedly.
“Yeah well done man!” Said Jack astonishing. Matt A looks into the binoculars and gets a better look of the island.
“Yepp it’s for sure a small island. It’ll just take us a day or two to paddle over there.” Said Matt A.
“I bet if we share a few hours and each get rest it will make it easier for us to conserve energy and get there.” Suggested Nicko.
Listening to his suggestion, we did so and it was about a day or two till we set ashore on it. It seemed to be not even half a mile in length and width. It contained a few palm trees which what seemed to be coconuts, and mainly rocks and sand surrounding it.
“Oh sweet lord!, Coconuts! Something to drink!” Said Even. He climbed onto a tree and grabbed a few for all of us. Attempting to crack it open with sharp rocks, we were successfully able to do so, and managed to drink the milk inside of it.
“So now that were here, how are we going to get off this island and get help?” Said Trey.
“You know I don’t really know?” Said Jack.
A few depressing days go by and still no sign of anything. No boats no nothing. Me as usual like to play around with my lucky binoculars, and for some strange reason, I feel like a miracle has happened. I spot a plane from way far away and I think to myself, “Wow this is a dream come true!” So I quickly splash water on my friends to wake up and tell me what to do. I show them the plane and tell them, “Ok listen guys, this might be our only chance of surviving, you have any quick ideas?” I said.
“I do.” Said Matt D looking at the grenade.
“Oh no, no we are not doing what I think we are doing.” Said Evren.
“It could work??” Said Matt.
“I mean we could get put to jail for attempting to bomb down a plane!” Said Matt A.
“No you idiots like we can create an explosion here on the island. And that will trigger the pilots attention to let them assume that there are people on this island.” He said.
“Alright fine lets do it, but hurry…they are getting closer!” Said Jack.
We quickly detonated the bomb, dug a hole in the ground to prevent it hitting us, and backed away and got ready. Matt D threw the grenade in the hole and it blew up and we hoped that people would find us.
So about a few days later a coast guard was able to find us and we returned back to some headquarters in a very tiny country that we were unaware of. We then arrived safely to Brazil and my dream came true. I had to go through a bunch of things but I made it safe with my buddies. A lesson was to be learned for the future is that planes can never be dependent on anybody. New materials such as rocket boots will eventually have the power to transport one from place to place.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Best movies Blog
I have seen many, many, many great movies. There are just sooo many that I can't pick. Some that I'd have to say were my favorite and very good are "The Hangover," "Halloween," "Radio," "The Blind Side," "Grown Ups," "Just go with it," and lets also say "Titanic."
Yes you can say that I enjoy watching the funny, the sad, the movies that deal with love, and the scary movies. They fascinate me soo much! Especially with the movie "Halloween." Michael Myers is VERY unpredictable and is also very funny because sometimes people can be soo stupid in those movies. I mean common now you know that there is a killer around town every Halloween and you know what he looks like. So what are you standing around for?! I would run and run as far away as possible!! I find it funny how he gets all confused and turns his head side-ways. haha.
Now with the very sad movies such as "Radio," "Titanic," and somehow "The Blind Side" you can't disagree on those because my TV at home has all those marked either as 4 1/2 stars or 5. And you know that my TV never lies. Plus the sad stories are based upon true stories. Which makes everything even more greater!
Last but not least...the comedy. Now if you know me...when I hear something not as funny I may still crack myself up! And when it comes to Adam Sandler, you can't disagree with me that he is the actor funniest alive!! I love him in the movie that I saw which recently came out "Just go with it," or possibly the movie "Grown Ups" as well. Those are two funny movies that do the following to me: put me in a good mood, have an understandable storyline of what the movie is about, and make me laugh soo hard my face turns into a tomato.
But which is my all time favorite? I'd have to go with "The Hangover." :)
Yes you can say that I enjoy watching the funny, the sad, the movies that deal with love, and the scary movies. They fascinate me soo much! Especially with the movie "Halloween." Michael Myers is VERY unpredictable and is also very funny because sometimes people can be soo stupid in those movies. I mean common now you know that there is a killer around town every Halloween and you know what he looks like. So what are you standing around for?! I would run and run as far away as possible!! I find it funny how he gets all confused and turns his head side-ways. haha.
Now with the very sad movies such as "Radio," "Titanic," and somehow "The Blind Side" you can't disagree on those because my TV at home has all those marked either as 4 1/2 stars or 5. And you know that my TV never lies. Plus the sad stories are based upon true stories. Which makes everything even more greater!
Last but not least...the comedy. Now if you know me...when I hear something not as funny I may still crack myself up! And when it comes to Adam Sandler, you can't disagree with me that he is the actor funniest alive!! I love him in the movie that I saw which recently came out "Just go with it," or possibly the movie "Grown Ups" as well. Those are two funny movies that do the following to me: put me in a good mood, have an understandable storyline of what the movie is about, and make me laugh soo hard my face turns into a tomato.
But which is my all time favorite? I'd have to go with "The Hangover." :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What wastes my time???
What do I do that wastes time? Well there are many thing that waste my time. I watch TV, get on facebook, eat, I can go on forever baby!
I'd have to say that statistically for most people, watching TV is the most popular vote for wasting time before an event or something has occurred. I know many people that do it. It could be watching a movie from beginning to end, watching commercials that play, well.......that's pretty much all you can do with watching TV unfortunately. But that still is for "most people around the world" the most popular.
I'd say the next most popular time wasting thing, especially for kids, is the creation of facebook. Facebook brings in about 2 billion new followers per year. Most of them to be kids. A lot can be adults but about 80% are kids. This is a very effective way of wasting time because if you know what I'm talking about, you never really know what you will do next with facebook. It's not like you have a plan of events such as:
1.) Log on
2.) Return all poke wars
3.) Make this my status
4.) Like and or comment on someone's status
5.) Look at a girls picture's
6.) Log off
It just doesn't work like that. Most of my time on facebook I don't know what I'm doing or even saying. Which is very addictive and effective and should probably focus more on that.
Now of your a really porker, like me, about 60% of your day is focused on what your deciding on eating or if your just plain old eating. Eating is another waste of my time because like I said if you don't believe me, I literally spend a good chunk of my day thinking about food. Now I know that I may look pretty skinny, (but still have that 6 pack for all you ladies out there), lol but I can eat a lot which has got to be a waste of my time and has got to change.
Wasting time is a bad habit for everyone and is something that we should think about changing. Whether it's exercising, getting a job, helping people out, or even focusing more on studies for example.
I'd have to say that statistically for most people, watching TV is the most popular vote for wasting time before an event or something has occurred. I know many people that do it. It could be watching a movie from beginning to end, watching commercials that play, well.......that's pretty much all you can do with watching TV unfortunately. But that still is for "most people around the world" the most popular.
I'd say the next most popular time wasting thing, especially for kids, is the creation of facebook. Facebook brings in about 2 billion new followers per year. Most of them to be kids. A lot can be adults but about 80% are kids. This is a very effective way of wasting time because if you know what I'm talking about, you never really know what you will do next with facebook. It's not like you have a plan of events such as:
1.) Log on
2.) Return all poke wars
3.) Make this my status
4.) Like and or comment on someone's status
5.) Look at a girls picture's
6.) Log off
It just doesn't work like that. Most of my time on facebook I don't know what I'm doing or even saying. Which is very addictive and effective and should probably focus more on that.
Now of your a really porker, like me, about 60% of your day is focused on what your deciding on eating or if your just plain old eating. Eating is another waste of my time because like I said if you don't believe me, I literally spend a good chunk of my day thinking about food. Now I know that I may look pretty skinny, (but still have that 6 pack for all you ladies out there), lol but I can eat a lot which has got to be a waste of my time and has got to change.
Wasting time is a bad habit for everyone and is something that we should think about changing. Whether it's exercising, getting a job, helping people out, or even focusing more on studies for example.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
My brother, Nicko
As most of you know, I have a brother named, Nicko. Unfortunately, he is the younger one by two minutes. That's right, I said it. We are fraternal twins and I am two minutes older than him. I enjoy all the bragging rights but now that were getting older, it's kinda getting old. Let me tell you some of the things we do together.
Our number one priority and our love that comes first than anything else is the game of, Soccer. I can understand that some of you absolutely hate that sport, but we have been playing it ever since we were in our mommy's tummy. That's right...get at us! My mom has told me before that we both never stopped kicking her. But hey!, It's not my fault. When we were born on April 14, 1995 we were the cutest little babies the human eye has ever seen. (I mean that's what my mom told me) But anyways, we had a Greek restaurant back then called "Nikki's Deli." When Nicko and I walked in everybody wouldn't wanna put us down by how cute we were. (I don't blame them though). By the age of two we began kicking a soft soccer ball, and it became obsessive. So we began playing. As the years increase, we get bigger and taller and into the fighting. I would normally win but there have still been times where he got me good. And now just kinda recently on July 21, 2008, Nicko and I pushed our parents back into be restaurant business, and our still open Greek restaurant "Mykonos Taverna and Bakery" was born. Mykonos is still a HUGE part of my life and I love it because it has gotten me a lot of new friends and I have used it into my advantage to do a lot of things. But now that I have experience, my parents put me to work and I unfortunately get nothing out of it. No money, and no fun with friends. But on my day's off, Wednesday, and Thursday, I can do whatever and every other Saturday I take tables and serve. Because sooner or later I will be driving around and I'm going to have to pay for gas and other stuff.
All in all, wherever I go, my brother goes. Yes it gets annoying but I love him and will do anything in my will to protect him for as long as we live.
Our number one priority and our love that comes first than anything else is the game of, Soccer. I can understand that some of you absolutely hate that sport, but we have been playing it ever since we were in our mommy's tummy. That's right...get at us! My mom has told me before that we both never stopped kicking her. But hey!, It's not my fault. When we were born on April 14, 1995 we were the cutest little babies the human eye has ever seen. (I mean that's what my mom told me) But anyways, we had a Greek restaurant back then called "Nikki's Deli." When Nicko and I walked in everybody wouldn't wanna put us down by how cute we were. (I don't blame them though). By the age of two we began kicking a soft soccer ball, and it became obsessive. So we began playing. As the years increase, we get bigger and taller and into the fighting. I would normally win but there have still been times where he got me good. And now just kinda recently on July 21, 2008, Nicko and I pushed our parents back into be restaurant business, and our still open Greek restaurant "Mykonos Taverna and Bakery" was born. Mykonos is still a HUGE part of my life and I love it because it has gotten me a lot of new friends and I have used it into my advantage to do a lot of things. But now that I have experience, my parents put me to work and I unfortunately get nothing out of it. No money, and no fun with friends. But on my day's off, Wednesday, and Thursday, I can do whatever and every other Saturday I take tables and serve. Because sooner or later I will be driving around and I'm going to have to pay for gas and other stuff.
All in all, wherever I go, my brother goes. Yes it gets annoying but I love him and will do anything in my will to protect him for as long as we live.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Response for 2-4-11
I commented on Evren's blog at http://evren-evrensblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/having-siblings-is-such-adventure.html
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wow for once I actually got excited to have someone choose a topic for me to blog about! This topic is if you already know about, Cartoons.
There are a lot of really good cartoons out there in the world when I was a little boy. My personal favorite according to my mom was Looney Toons. I would laugh hysterically as a child watching that show. She declares that my favorite character out of all of them was Bugs Bunny. I liked his because he was a sneaky little bunny, he was smart, and of course, funny. Others such as Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat, and Tweety the bird were "Not My Type." I liked them but still favored Bugs over all of them. I watched Looney Toons for about 2-3 years then I moved on to others more of my age. I was depressed but had to move on in life and enjoy myself being a kid by watching others. Now-a-days, it's more News watching and History & Discovers Channels. But even till this day when I look back at the Cartoons I used to watch, it makes me laugh because I would have never remembered, as a kid, watching them.
I do notice a change in cartoons these days. A lot of them are made from a "Computer-based" Technology type of thing instead of being plain old simple like how it was about 10 years ago. One day when I heard of these Cartoon names I bet you it will make me laugh and watch them all over again because they will never get old for one's generation.
There are a lot of really good cartoons out there in the world when I was a little boy. My personal favorite according to my mom was Looney Toons. I would laugh hysterically as a child watching that show. She declares that my favorite character out of all of them was Bugs Bunny. I liked his because he was a sneaky little bunny, he was smart, and of course, funny. Others such as Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat, and Tweety the bird were "Not My Type." I liked them but still favored Bugs over all of them. I watched Looney Toons for about 2-3 years then I moved on to others more of my age. I was depressed but had to move on in life and enjoy myself being a kid by watching others. Now-a-days, it's more News watching and History & Discovers Channels. But even till this day when I look back at the Cartoons I used to watch, it makes me laugh because I would have never remembered, as a kid, watching them.
I do notice a change in cartoons these days. A lot of them are made from a "Computer-based" Technology type of thing instead of being plain old simple like how it was about 10 years ago. One day when I heard of these Cartoon names I bet you it will make me laugh and watch them all over again because they will never get old for one's generation.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Mystery and Suspense
I don't know about you, but I'm really enjoying this unit were doing a lot!! It's one of my favorites. Some stories we've read were scary, funny, and in some ways just pretty stupid but in a way that will make you laugh. My favorite stories were probably "When a Stranger Calls," "Eisenhower the Illusionist," "The Man from the South," "Macho! Macho!," and might as well add "The Monkey's Paw." All the others we either alright or confusing or not that great.
I wonder what unit were about to approach after exam week? What do you think?, Have you heard anything form Mr.Potter or other people? I hope it's something pretty cool. I would hate to do something like non-fiction or maybe poetry or something boring like that. I mean even if we did something like that, it wouldn't be that bad cause we have a pretty cool class. Cool people, cool teacher, etc.
Can you believe exams are almost here?! By the time we know it the OGT's will come as well. Those are gonna suck! I'm not ready for those I never do too good on big tests like that. But I mean were gonna have to do them eventually. Hopefully we'll get some preparation before those that way I have an idea of what's coming my way.
I wonder what unit were about to approach after exam week? What do you think?, Have you heard anything form Mr.Potter or other people? I hope it's something pretty cool. I would hate to do something like non-fiction or maybe poetry or something boring like that. I mean even if we did something like that, it wouldn't be that bad cause we have a pretty cool class. Cool people, cool teacher, etc.
Can you believe exams are almost here?! By the time we know it the OGT's will come as well. Those are gonna suck! I'm not ready for those I never do too good on big tests like that. But I mean were gonna have to do them eventually. Hopefully we'll get some preparation before those that way I have an idea of what's coming my way.
Friday, January 7, 2011
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