Sunday, October 24, 2010


      So in class were obviously reading this book called To Kill A Mockingbird. If you don't know that by ought to see a doctor!! But anyways we found out that the verdict of the trial concluded as guilty. Tom Robinson was sent to jail while everyone else minded their own business. We had also started watching the movie. We stopped at the part where Tim Johnson, the dog, just got shot at by Atticus.
      I enjoy reading the book rather than watching the movie because the book gets more in depth. The movie just finishes everything just like that. Yes it does take a while to read the book because it has a lot of pages for every chapter, and the letters are small, but as you're reading seems like nothing.
      I am very interested in reading ahead to see what will happen with everyone. Tom, the Finch family, the Euell's, Boo Radley, everybody! But their is still one thing that i have asked before that i still don't understand. What does the title, To Kill A Mockingbird, have to do with this whole book?!?! It's a mystery till we find out this week! :)


  1. costa i know how you feel with the movie. its super boring i like the book better. i really want to know what the title has to do with anything.

  2. We talked about the title!! Even before we watched the movie...
