Sunday, May 15, 2011

Orson Welles is...The Man!

     I have known and realized many people throughout this year could have been nominated...The Man. But out of everyone we've read or heard about, I am proud to say that Orson Welles, the mastermind behind his cast of Julius Caesar, is in my opinion known as, "The Man!"
     Why do I think this?? Well let's see here, he is the owner of the Mercury Theater, he runs the whole Julius Caesar play, he plays Brutus in the play, he commands people to do things for him, and he is very wealthy. He's pretty much the King of New York! I mean common people! chapter 6 when Houseman and Welles barge into the theater for rehearsal Houseman is complaining about what Welles is doing for the theater like as in how he is helping and his response was, "I am the Mercury Theater!" With a silence after that in shock. And if you don't understand that then shame on you. Orson Welles just told a man off and he had no comeback to that! How could anyone else think of such thing to respond to that?!
     As for Richard I feel like he's in grave danger of getting in real trouble soon from the school and his family. Although he does have a point...if he perfects his small seen with him playing the ukulele he could become an actual Broadway actor! I have a feeling that his wish will come true and that he will get the girl of his dreams, Sonja.

1 comment:

  1. haha i agree , like out of the stories i read orson welles is the best one.
