Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keeping up with English 10

Hahaha i thought the title of this blog was funny! anyways....hello again! I'm here at home typing this boring blog when i should be finishing up my note cards for my research paper. But whatever, this is due by midnight so i should do it. Last week Mr. Potter had handed out the worst nightmare of my life......a research paper. As you can realize, thats one of my weakest points in English, especially when you are a given a specific topic that doesn't really interest you. And that my friend, is Trials. You know like when you go to court for a crime or felony? Well thats what were doing. I chose the famous Dr. Sam Sheppard case, where a guy named Sam Sheppard was accused of killing his wife apparently......It's pretty interesting, but i can't really find a good internet ("database") source. Therefore, i find it easier to focus on my book sources rather than my internet sources. I mean this doesn't mean i wont use my internet sources, but i will mainly find my information from my book sources. :) Other than that, all i need to do is get done with filling in my note cards, then the rest of the project should be pretty simple i i just wish this week will be over with! I have soccer games on Tuesday and Thursday, so for all you falls sports players out know what i'm talking about. It's difficult to get homework done at night when you either have a night game, if you have practice, or if you have a job. If this is you....i feel your pain :( Well  imma get off and finish my project. See you at school, and goodnight! ;)


  1. Man Costa. I hate research projects too. It's never really on something you want to do. It is slways something that the teacher wants us to do. I think it's supposed to help us learn about the past and how it affects the future. Wouldn't it be easier if they just tell us what happened in the past that was so wrong. It would help me a ton. Especially for after school people who have stuff to do, it will get even harder and harder until we all fail. Not many people know is that the teachers don't realize what we do and always ask why we fail. We always have to lie and say "I don't know" or we get in trouble for talking back. I don't think they give us enough time in class to finish anything and that will hurt our grades. Especially for procrastinators. I feel everyone's pain too. Good luck with school. And let's hope we get A's on this project (or at least B's).

  2. hahaha yeah i totally agree with you michael. Like im going to give my best effort on this even though its not my thing. But thanks for the advice, and do good on it! ;)

  3. You guys are doing fine...and I feel your pain Costa. When basketball season is in full swing (right now we have conditioning three days a week) it is tough to keep up with grading and everything else. We have games during the week and weekends and it is tough. But, you do what you have to do and you get through it. Keep it up!
